
Top 10 Things You Can Find Me Doing When I Have All the Free Time in the World

Inspired by this week...

10. Browsing the classifieds. I've been known to shop around for new jobs even when I don't need one. It's good to know what's out there. The problem is that sometimes I convince myself I MIGHT need one...
9. Eating copious amounts of something I concocted from the ingredients readily available in my kitchen. When I'm home alone, a simple ham sandwich never occurs to me. Instead, I make things like Thai-style Pineapple fried rice with golden raisins or Crispy, homemade Onion strings and a chicken burrito. My cravings are flung far and wide. I take advantage of this while Muscles is at work.
8. Planning to undertake a major housecleaning project, like, say, reorganize the office. Yeah, right.
7. Shopping. This is kind've an ancient sport for me. You see, Muscles and I have long-since put ourselves on a cash-only, monthly budget. We each have some money to shop with, but I usually spend mine on food. Yeah, I'm a fattie. Anyway, its a favorite past time. I still hit up the best bargain shopping spots on a quasi-regular basis. Mostly for items for the crib.
6. Procrastinating about getting myself presentable to go into town. Why, dear Lord, can Muscles get out of bed and be out the door 15 minutes later, showered, shaved and all?!? I have to allot at least 45 minutes to this process, in order to dry and (usually) straighten the horses' mane. Sometimes, I just sike myself out of it.
5. Bloggie bloggin'. This somehow makes it onto every list. What can I say? I love to laugh at my own brilliance. (Don't correct me, please.)
4. Laying out in the sweet, sweet sun. My naturally pale skin may not love the sun, but my endorphins sure do.
3. Working. Yep. Sad. I like my job, and I like thinking about what I'm going to do next and how.
2. Texting/calling/annoying friends. I have trouble understanding how other people can be busy while I'm twiddling my thumbs. Pick up your phone, girl. I have hours dead silences or random, oddball comments to get out. Geez. Take a personal day for a friend in need.
1. Lying on my couch, eating a strange combination as a snack (currently mini marshmallows and shredded coconut), watching re-runs of JK+8 (Don't get me started on the divorce drama. I have very strong opinions), and thinking about things I could be/need to be/want to be doing.

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