
Top Ten Reasons Being Perpetually 21 is a Great Idea

Today, I'm feeling restless, so I cannot quite commit to a full-size bloggie blog post. So, instead, I will reminisce about my favorite year -- the 21st. A tribute...

10. Got no job, got no money... and it's Friday. Might as well go... back to SLEEP.

9. Why, yes, I'd love to go to the bar with you tonight... even though it's a Wednesday in November. And yes, yes, I will go out tomorrow night. And the night after. And the night after. Etc. Etc.

8. What hangover? I'm ready for another drink.

7. Because running screaming into a bar or a group of people and proclaiming, "I'm 21. Woooo!" is socially acceptable.

6. Because going to class is optional

5. Because tanning was a top priority, right up there with drinking heavily and ordering pizza or chinese daily.

4. Because slutty clubwear was cheap.

3. For the prestige that accompanies being able to buy your younger friends malt beverages.

2. That it is acceptable to make hooch in any and all large containers, including but not limited to coolers, bathtubs, and buckets.

1. Any and all inappropriate behavior and wrongdoing is excused with admission of your age.

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