
Top 10 Indicators That Your Friends Have Not Grown Up Yet But Might Need To

This list might be ongoing because I can definitely come up with more...

10. A holiday cannot be celebrated without a plethora of alcoholic choices. This is not limited to beer and wine, but also includes hooch and a one-of-a-kind creation that comes in a gas can.
9. When you go to the bar, people look at you like "Who does she think she is? Aren't they married? Doesn't he work at a bank?", and yet your friends don't care. They continue to get falling down drunk and hit on college freshmen.
8. Guys still refer to each other as homosexual slurs for fun. The female version of this might be ending every sentence with "...bitches!"
7. Drunk dialing has not become a forgotten art.
6. They still live at home with the 'rents AND (qualifier here) have their meals cooked and laundry done by Mom. Most times, they also have no intention of moving anytime soon.
5. They are currently obsessed with Twilight, along with the rest of the teeny-bopper nation, AND (another qualifier) own at least one Team Edward t-shirt.
4. Nudity, especially in the form of skinny dipping, is acceptable entertainment. This includes only male nudity usually, and often results in mysterious photographs showing up on your cell phone.
3. Everyone likes everyone. Or used to like everyone. Or at least made out with someone a few times. It happens in groups of friends. Let's just leave that drama in the past, though. No need to bring yesterday's lunch to today's menu.
2. This one is dedicated solely to my dear friend, Shrek... You still have a picture of a certain former N'Sync-er hanging in your closest, just to catch a glimpse of as you get dressed each morning.
1. The following things are recent memories for you (as opposed to distant memories): beer pong, flip cup, revealing club wear, going to a bar more than once per week, drinking until you black out, and wearing your pajama's in public.

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